
Whether your focus is on ground-breaking solutions to enhance your position within the market, or cost efficiencies and business optimisation, we can offer forward-looking consultancy services to further your goals.

By operating in a confidential environment, we can offer you discretion in assessing the viability of your ideas. In utilizing our knowledge and expertise, you can minimize the risk and exposure to you and your company (internally and externally). We can also minimize the impact on your ongoing business by enabling you to keep free your key resources.

Often it is difficult to know whether to keep developing an existing system, or to consider buying or building a solution to meet your specific needs. Our experience in the travel trade, together with our knowledge of travel technology systems and suppliers gives us unrivalled expertise in this area.

From Proof of Concept to Prototyping

Recently, we have been commissioned to research and develop early-stage concepts for leading travel and insurance companies. Requests for such services have invariably come from company directors and senior staff (both IT and marketing) and in all cases the three determining factors have been

  • Fixed budget
  • Minimal or no dependencies on company resources
  • Discretion

Projects have lasted from four weeks to six months and budgets have varied from £5k to £50k depending on resource requirements and specialist partner costs. Primarily we have been asked to carry out proof of concept tasks (Incubation development), but some customers requesting these services are now also requesting the complimentary Research and Prototype development services.

Between a salesperson’s pitch and an operating manager’s thoughts, a lot can get lost in translation. If you decide that building a bespoke solution is right for you (either standalone or to dovetail with an existing system), we can provide functional and technical specifications to ensure that the system is built to operate as you have articulated.

© Cloud-Works Solutions Ltd 2024

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